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About us

Lisnabreen Presbyterian Church are a people centred on beholding Christ - committed to building community We have been meeting as a church since 1972, starting with small beginnings in several mobile huts, we opened our current church building in 1991.

Lisnabreen is part of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. You may visit the PCI website for further, more detailed information about our denomination and its mission.​

What we believe

We believe the teachings of Christianity, as revealed in the Bible.


These include:


  1. There is only one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is in control. He created the world, has shown us what he is like, has a plan to save us, and will one day judge everyone.

  2. The Bible is God’s Word to us. There are no contradictions or errors in it. It is the final Word in all matters of behaviour and belief. Jesus Christ is God, but is also a real human; he was born of a virgin, died on the cross, he physically came back to life, and now reigns in heaven and earth.

  3. Everyone is a sinner; it’s part of our nature. The punishment for sin is death and eternal separation from Him in hell. That means that everyone is in serious trouble with God.

  4. We can be forgiven and freed from the guilt, punishment and power of the wrong things we do, but only because of Jesus’ death. Jesus was being punished instead of us, so our wrong has been completely dealt with.

  5. We do not deserve God’s forgiveness. And not only does God forgive us for everything, but he looks on us as being perfect, just as Jesus was perfect. All this is obtained only by faith.

  6. God does this through the Holy Spirit acting in people’s lives, turning them away from wrong and towards God, and giving them faith in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in Christians, changing them so that they live more like Jesus, enabling them to live for Jesus in this world.

  7. The Church is not a building or an organisation, but is made up of all true Christians throughout the world. Jesus is present in the world today through the Church.

  8. Jesus will one day return. He will judge everyone, rightly punishing those who have rejected God’s offer of forgiveness, and welcoming Christians into everlasting glory.

our leadership team:
Rev Sam Castles


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David Corbert

Clerk of Session

Gareth Leeburn


Bobby Woods



Christine Wilson

Community Outreach Worker

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Maureen Claney


good news in 90 seconds

The good news at the heart of the Bible is so profound you can spend a lifetime studying it. You can also hear it in 90 seconds. What do you make of this message of light and life and love?…

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